Thursday, September 13, 2012

3 Things Worth Remembering from an Almost Inspiring Book Filled with a Lot of Rubbish

1. Humor Increases Health

Although I have always know this in the back of my mind, this book and class are the first time I have really been forced to focus on the idea and think about "why." To me this is worth remembering because I just LOVE to stress myself out, to the point where my athletics advisor makes fun of me every time I go in, even if I am not stressed! Being able to realize how much just giving myself a short break to enjoy some humor and be with my friends has been a great reason (if not an excuse) to have a laugh. Keeping things in perspective and remembering how much more enjoyable life can be with some humor is definitely worth remembering.

2. Humor is a Tool

And like any tool, this means it can be used for both good and evil.  Possibly evolved from a play mode that increased our adaptability, laughter, from an evolutionary standpoint is in some ways a metaphysical tool.  However, as is human nature, we have found ways to use and abuse this interesting adaptation.  I have experienced the mob mentality that can come from laughter, causing you to say hurtful, false, and cruel things that would normally never cross your mind.  Having read this book I know that every time I laugh I am experiencing changes in both my body and mind, and although these changes can be good, they can also lead to impractical, insensitive, and irresponsible behavior. Because the body and the mind are essentially one I think it is important not to let one get too far ahead of the other when it comes to humor.

3.  Humor Increases Creativity (the most important)

This point is the only one I bookmarked in the whole book. If I were to forget the whole book but one thing I think this is the one thing I would insist on remembering. The reason for this is because I feel as though this point encompasses everything good about humor - creativity, flexibility, adaptability, diversity, health, thought, and appreciation. The examples about humor in the work place make me want to be able to create a better environment for my self at school, while creating art, and in my future career.  As an artist, creativity is the point from which I stem and choose to live my life.  I know that I am prone to getting stuck in a mental rut where I find myself with one option on a one-way track and I forget to think outside the box and really look at my options and opportunities.  I believe remembering this point will help me most in the long run.

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